Category: EV Article

Insightful and widely researched articles on different aspects of EV ecosystem with addressing the barriers to electric vehicles in the market, growing EV production capacity and market share, key government targets .

Lithium-Ion Battery Test and BIS Certification

Lithium-ion battery (LIB) chemistry development in 2025 is expected to focus on improving energy density, reducing charging times, and increasing safety. Lithium-Ion (Li-ion) Battery is an advanced battery that uses lithium ions as a key component of its electrochemistry. Considering the massive increase in demand for Lithium-Ion Batteries across India, the BIS has implemented regulations that cover these products under the Compulsory Registration Scheme. The BIS certification scheme aims to ens...

Growth of EV Charging Infrastructure in India

India is on the brink of an electric vehicle (EV) revolution, driven by the government's ambitious targets and the proactive involvement of private players. The EV charging infrastructure, a crucial component for widespread EV adoption, is witnessing rapid growth and transformation. This article delves into the business opportunities, governance initiatives, and contributions of key private players like Tata Power, Sapthavahna, ChargeZone, and Reliance in propelling this growth.

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